Giving people opportunities to work together to make their own decisions and solve challenges affecting their lives
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Celebrate our 25th year
Explore our news pages, and follow along on our social media.
Discover how we’ve spent a quarter of a decade working alongside families and communities.
Find out how you can help us to do more in the future with our 25-for-25 fundraiser!
Who we are
We are a registered UK charity bringing people together to enable them to problem-solve, make decisions and choose what actions to take to move forward, be safe and thrive when facing challenging situations.
People and communities often feel disempowered - especially those whose lives are influenced by the systems around them. However, we know that people can take action and choose what action to take when given the right opportunity. This is why we believe in a world where ‘families’ and communities work together to make decisions and solve problems affecting their lives.
Last year, we worked with over 600 families and enabled over 1,000 children and young people to be involved in decisions that affected their lives.
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Our Programs
Working with Families
Working alongside partners we facilitate Family Group Conferences for those facing challenging situations. This sees us bringing people together with their wider social networks, enabling problem-solving, decision making and choice in what actions to take.
Connecting Communities
We enable connections between people within communities through Community Conferencing to ensure people thrive with the networks around them that they need.
Upskilling Individuals
We are committed to enabling best practice in family and community problem solving, and offer training opportunities for professionals and community leaders to help more people be heard and feel confident.